New Project Started in LA: Basketball Camp for Japanese College Students

2 Japanese college student came to LA to learn the “Real” basketball. One of them will be a high school teacher in Japan and be a head coach for the basketball team at the school. Another guy is interested in the sports marketing and wants to study that program in US. They will stay in LA for 2 months and learn and experience how American player workout as well as how American people feel about basketball. Loop Sports Management, Inc. helps their staying in LA and shows them every different segment of the basketball scene in US.

Yesterday, a performance coach at our company, Yuta Imada hosted a workout for them.


Yuta explained them every workout that Yuta taught them is directly connected to the basketball movement. So, they listened to Yuta very carefully and learned the important points of each exercise.

Here is a sample of Yuta’s workout.

We are planning to update more training videos. So, please stay tuned!!
